The real reason why Eminem’s new album “Revival” is garbage

5 min readDec 19, 2017


album cover. follow me on instagram.

A few days ago Eminem released his new album “Revival”. I am going to explain why he didn’t make a better one.

What I’m going to say is not my opinion, but the truth of life.

Capability for downfall

Unarguably Eminem’s career has declined over the past 15 years or so.

Why is that?

Well, the short answer is: He is not in tune with life.

We’re going to examine what that means.

Eminem, or Marshall Mathers, had very great success early on, or when we began to see it. He literally transformed television and the means of what could be said. It was revolutionary in a way — never seen before.

But at some point in his life he stopped developing, growing, taking risks, making mistakes — which ultimately is the biggest mistake.

He tried to follow along a path he had imagined for himself, where he would be going and what he was doing, while really not knowing at all, because no one with a physical brain can know where the stream of life is going.

He only thought he knew.

The point is, he had imagined his career.

And that is inevitably troublesome, because imagination is in conflict with reality.

I don’t know Eminem on a personal level and I would have to see him in person or speak with him to know or get a better read on what his ill-concevied ideas of life are. However, I can make some general, yet accurate statements on what he has overlooked — and should he ever read this, he will have to confess that this is true (if he is honest with himself).

Because maybe Eminem should not be rapping anymore at all — maybe he should have stopped years and years ago and done something else, gone into another direction, done something completely different.

Because, you see, everything is according to one’s lights.

So I’m suggesting it is not in his lights anymore to fill that particular role as a rapper, but we all know he insists on keeping trying.

And I suggest that is his downfall.

He should have taken a pause — a real pause from all his business, and looked within himself until he found the answers, instead of doing what he feels is right.

Because feelings are not true. And then he would have changed — for the better.

Insisting on choosing your own path and doing as you please is willfulness. But, really, there is only one will, and that is the will of God, or the will of life.

And God, which is life in the first instance, demands that I change however He sees fit. And that might include the cessation of my rap career. Because if I insist on trying, even though inside I know something is not right, but choose to ignore it (that’s what our free will is — the right to be unhappy), then I might fail, get ill, lose some money, a loved one, or anything.

And that’s karma — the law of life.

Because we as creatures don’t have any saying over life at all — even if we like to think we do.

We are absolutely powerless.

Everything is created for us. All that I see in front of me seemingly comes out of nowhere, or nothing, and is given to be there. I keep walking on through all this stuff and I don’t know where it comes from (even though I know it comes from the spirit) or where I’m going.

I might have an idea, but I simply do not know.

Except: I know I’m going to die — and that is the body.

I am absolutely powerless. The only thing is, I have imagined that this life is somehow ‘my life’, and that I get to have some saying over how it should be — and that is willfulness or selfishness.

But it’s not my life at all, it is life’s life.

And selfishness is the opposite of love. If I do not love, then I truly am lost, because all knowing that comes from the mind is not reliable, which I trust you have seen, if you followed along what I’ve said in your own experience.

Do you see what I’m saying? Have you got self-knowledge?

Ultimately, Eminem is responsible for his life.

He must know these things that I’m speaking, because otherwise he is going to be unhappy, and fade into irrelevance, which he will do anyway as he dies, but he will also miss the point of life, which is love.

Right now he appears forceful — insisting on trying rather than looking and seeing what it is. And I’m not being critical of him, we all have to go through this at some point of our lives, I’m just sharing in self-knowledge.

Force can never overcome power.

In time power gets rid of all force — and power is stillness.

Altered direction

So I suggest Eminem should (have) alter(ed) his direction.

He should have taken a break, and focused on what is real in his life, rather than getting sucked into all these delusions such as his latest cringy rap album, or his Donald Trump rant, where he says:

“You’re either for, or against [Trump].”

And that’s not true. That’s only true when you become unintelligent and choose a position.

I’m neither for Trump, nor am I against Trump.

Do you see my power? I do not choose.

That is the choice that I have made — I have made the choice to stop choosing my ignorance all the time, because every choice is ignorance, and every position I can take is unintelligence, for it is the great intelligence that watches all positions.

I have stopped that.

How do you stop that?

You do it by knowing yourself. Know thyself, as all the great masters have said for thousands of years.

Be still, and know that I am God.

Be still, and know that you are powerless without love.


Cease your willfulness, pause your stupid momentum. Just pause, and know where you are. Stop going with the momentum. Stop jumping to conclusions, stop naming, stop thinking, stop feeling this, stop feeling that, stop your ignorance.

For God’s sake, stop your terrible ignorance!

That’s all you have to do, and that is meditation, and that is consciousness and God.

Look. Where does this lead?

It leads to being in tune with the spontaneous unfolding of life, which nobody can predict.

It leads to being great.

It leads to right change.

It leads to stop making choices about what your life should be, when in fact you do not know.

This is my advice to Eminem, and to all of you.

Now it might seem that I have drifted off somewhere, but I do not care, because you get the point. This is all a freestyle.

Thank you for reading.

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