Contemplation: Seeing the next probable move

5 min readNov 1, 2017


one with life. follow me on instagram.

The difference between contemplation and thinking

Both contemplation and thinking can be used to solve problems it seems, but what is the difference? And which is more powerful?

I will tell you right now contemplation is more powerful, and prove my point throughout this post.

Contemplating a thing or an event, as opposed to thinking about it, leads to results or actions that have a certain integrity about them.

Thinking, on the other hand, is more like a surface movement that never really stops, and in most cases never really accomplishes anything — it tends to go round in circles.

Is that true in your experience?

Then let’s see how you can actually know what contemplation is, and how you can use it for results that are more in-line with the truth of your being.

Power and force

We already know to a great extent about thinking. It’s what we’ve been encouraged and conditioned to do all our lives. Think about this, think about that, backtrack here, backtrack there.

You know the deal.

But what is contemplation?

How can you actually know in your own right what it is? — So that if anyone questions you about it for a day, or two days or even three days you can answer without doubt, because you know what it is.

Such knowledge is not derived by thinking, because thinking inevitably and invariably leads you to opposing ideas, assertions, formulations, arguments, whatever. The very nature of thinking is force — and there’s always an opposite force.

That’s how it is.

Contemplation is not a forceful action — it is powerful.

No force is powerful, only forceful.

The difference is: Power does not have an opposite. It’s a positive in this world without a negative.

The power that I’m speaking about, which shall be revealed shortly, is not the power any president or billionaire may have through control, one way or another — that’s just more force.

Power only comes from stillness.

In time, stillness gets rid of all movement. And equally:

In time, power gets rid of all force.

That is a very practical truth. Once recognized (as by me, the author) the task is then to realize and live that knowledge — bring it into existence.

That’s what I’m doing and that’s what I help you doing by writing these articles.

So contemplation.

Let’s get this word contemplation and make it a reality for you.

Contemplation is the art of going still.

Let’s look at it: Con-temp-lation.

Con means to be with something, temp means time. The rest is just filler.

So here we have the word contemplation, which actually means to be with the time, or: to be in real time.

So that’s already a hint: if you want to contemplate something, you have to be in real time.

“What does that mean?”

- It means to be in the present moment.

Contemplation is to be in the present moment.

Notice: whenever you think, you are not really in the present moment. Your body may be present, but you are not really here at all when thinking.

Try it now and see for yourself if this is true.

So you see, contemplation and thinking are already mutually exclusive, because one requires you to be present in the now, while the other pulls you out of now — which, of course, is completely impossible, but you imagine it is.

Thus contemplation boils down to this: be in the present moment.

The application

Now I’ve communicated to you what contemplation is. How can you make use of it? What can you expect?

There are two ways you can use contemplation.

1) You contemplate your being

2) You contemplate an object (an idea, event, or anything)

1) Contemplating your being

The first requires nothing. You can do it any time. All you need to do is come to the present moment, by giving up thinking.

Once you do that, you will feel a space enter your awareness. This space opens up the possibility for anything to come — you become spontaneous.

And you become creative.

Suddenly, the potential is there for anything to arise and in a short period of time you may have several great ideas, seemingly coming to you out of thin air.

That was not possible before, because thinking closes down this potential — the space is not there. Thinking can only consider what is already there, and what is there when you think is thinking. So thinking always considers itself and the new cannot enter.

You want to be creative? Stop thinking.

2) Contemplating an object

The second way to contemplate requires that there’s something already inside of you. An idea for instance, or maybe an event is somehow living on in you as some sort of psychic entity and you don’t know what to do if you just think about it.

The trick is to hold that idea or feeling or whatever it is, and keep it there.

It’s almost like you’re gestating with that thing inside of you, but it’s alright. Keep it there.

By being in the present moment, gradually the idea gets more refined, gets more shape, more contour, and gets more right, finished, complete. The problem dissolves and starts to disappear, and the necessary action becomes apparent.

That’s how it is.

But you must know this from now on by living it, whenever your intelligence reminds you.

That’s the game.

Why it works

Why does this work?

Why does contemplation work?

To an outside thinker it would seem just unbelievable. Because if you only think about it, that’s all you know — and thinking is not the truth.

It’s actually man-made ignorance.

Contemplation is a universal practice, and that leads to intuition, which is the universal governance of life — operating on another level.

Now I’m going all out.

I will tell you why it works.

When you contemplate you are in the present moment. The present moment is the only real moment in existence and is in immediate contact with the cosmic flow of life. Thus:

The more you are in the present moment, the more knowledge of the cosmic flow of life you have.

As you tap into that, you start to see the next probable move.

That move is in harmony with the cosmic unfolding of life — your actions will be in-line with cosmic harmony.

That is the power.

The power is to surrender to the inherent stillness of the truth behind the universe — it cannot be done by force.

Force only leads to ignorance, whereas power leads to wisdom.

But who talks about these things? Hidden in plain sight.

That’s why you come here.

Thank you.

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